How to Claim Payment By Insurance Company After Car Accident Kenya

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How to Claim Payment By Insurance Company After Car Accident

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Don’t Worry One of the scariest things that can happen to you on the road is to be involved in a road accident. Thankfully, most accidents on the road are usually minor ones where cars only get scratches and minor dents.
It is critical for you as a driver to know what you need to do in case you are involved in an accident. Here are some tips that can make the experience less stressful.

Try not to Panic
Panic is a natural response to a scary situation. In many cases, panicking can actually makes things worse for you. In the event that you are involved in an accident, keep yourself under control and try to be as calm as possible, even if it is the other drivers fault. Shouting, hurling insults, blame shifting, and intimidation all don’t help.
If you are in a panic, chances are that the other driver is also just as scared as you. So keep calm, and be as respectful as possible when interacting with the other driver.

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Make sure everyone in ok.
The first thing you need to do whenever you are involved in an accident is to make sure everyone in your car and the other car are ok. Watch out for bleeding and fractures. And also make sure no one has lost consciousness. Never assume that the impact of an accident is not serious.
In some cases, impacts at low speeds can cause muscle injuries such as whiplash, and more severe cases someone can lose consciousness. Once you are certain everyone in your car is fine, move over to the other car and find out whether everyone is ok. Prioritize the well-being of every other person, before you start discussing the damage to cars.

Call the Police
There are two situations where you must call the police. The first situation is there the accident is serious and repairs will have to involve your insurer.

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A police report will be necessary for you to process any claims. The policeman will also determine who is at fault in the accident, a factor that is critical in the processing of claims. The second situation where you need to call a policeman to the scene is where you cannot agree with other driver on who is at fault.

If the accident is minor, or if you and the other driver can agree on who is at fault, then it may not be necessary to call a policeman. In such situations, a quick assessment of the cost of repairs may be all you need to settle the matter, with the driver who accepts the fault settling the bill for repairs.

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Call your insurance company
In case you are involved in a serious accident, which must involve your insurer, always get in touch with your insurer at the earliest opportunity, even if you feel you are the one at fault. Your insurer will advise you on how to proceed with the situation. In fact, any time you are involved in an accident, it is advisable to talk to your agent as soon as possible to get guidance on how to proceed. This step will ease claims processing for you.
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