[UPDATED] How to Lipa Na M-PESA Bulk, All you Need to Know.


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Lipa Na M-PESA Bulk Payments

Sole Proprietor

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Business Registration
  3. Individual or company KRA Pin (Mandatory for bank settlement)
  4. Copy of Identification Documents of Persons Opening the account i.e. Copy of the National ID / National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  5. Copy of Utility Bill or Business Photo to confirm existence of the Business
  6. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Limited Liability Company

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. A stamped copy of the certificate of incorporation
  3. Original stamped /or company sealed Board Resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
    1. Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal of funds on behalf of the company (not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  4. KRA pin certificate ( for company and Directors)
  5. Copy of CR12 –WITH VALIDITY PERIOD OF 90 DAYS/or Annual Returns with filling receipt
  6. Copy of Utility Bill or Business Photo to confirm existence of the Business
  7. Copy of Identification Documents of all directors and persons Opening the account i.e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).

 8. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

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Private Schools

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. A stamped copy of the certificate of incorporation
  3. Original stamped /or company sealed Board Resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
    1. Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal of funds on behalf of the company(not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  4. KRA pin certificate ( for company or Directors)
  5. Copy of CR12 –WITH VALIDITY PERIOD OF 90 DAYS/or Annual Returns with filling receipt
  6. Ministry of Education license
  7. Copy of Identification Documents of all directors and persons Opening the account i.e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  8. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Non-Governmental Organization

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Signed Letter on letter head from the NGO Board confirming Registration and existence including officials
  4. Original Stamped /or company seal board resolution on NGO letter head signed by at least two directors (Committee) within 30 days stating:
    1. Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the NGO
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the NGO(not mandatory)
  5. Copy of Identification Documents of Directors i.e Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  6. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Partnerships(Include Firms Such As Accountants And Advocates)

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Partnership Deed /OR Affidavit
  3. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  4. Individual or company KRA Pin
  5. Copy of Identification Documents of all partners and persons Opening the account i.e. Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals)
  6. Copy of Utility Bill or Business Photo to confirm existence of the Business
  7. Signed Letter from the partners (on company letter head) indicating:
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the business(not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  8. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  9. Latest audited/unaudited financial statements

Denominational Churches Brances Of Mainstream churches E.G Catholic ,Anglican

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Letter from the headquarters of the church signed by at least 2 church officials introducing :
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the church
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  4. Verification of existence of the church by providing church photo /or copy of utility bill
  5. Copy of Identification Documents used by head priest/ pastor and Signatory Officials i.e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  6. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Non-Denominational Churches

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration
  3. Letter from the church signed by at least two church officials introducing :
    1. Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the church
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  4. Verification of existence of the church by providing church photo /or copy of utility bill
  5. Copy of Identification Documents used by head priest/pastor and signatory Officials I .e .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  6. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Co-operative Societies/Saccos

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration as a cooperative society
  3. Original Stamped committee board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the society
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  4. Copy of Identification Documents of all directors and signatory officials i.e. Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  5. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  6. Audited financial statements

Saccos -With Front Office Savings Activity (I.E Deposit Taking)

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration and Trade license for the Sacco
  3. Signed Letter from SASRA confirm Sacco Registration on letter head :
  4. Original Stamped committee board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating:
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the church(not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  1. Copy of Identification Documents of directors and signatory officials i.e. .Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  2. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  3. Completion of SAFARICOM AML/KYC
  4. Audited financial statements


  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Original Stamped board resolution on institutions letter head signed by at least two directors within 14 days stating:
    1. Authority to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the company
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the company (not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  3. Copy of Identification Documents used by Signatory Directors and users to be created in M-Pesa i.e Copy of the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals).
  4. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  5. Audited financial statements

Commissions/ Semi-Autonomous Gok Institutions

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Act of parliament and or gazette notice forming the
  3. A letter from the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the line ministries requesting:
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of till
  4. A letter from the institution’s Head on official letterhead forwarding the above
  5. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  6. Latest audited/ unaudited financial statements
  7. Copies of identification documents used by directors

Government Sponsored Schools

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. A letter of introduction signed by the board of governors from the DEO/County Education Director authorizing opening of the account; or, a circular letter from the Ministry of Education authorizing :
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the school
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the school (not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  3. Copy of identification documents used by the Board signatory’s, Chairman, Head of School and School Bazaar i. e the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals
  4. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Central Government – Ministries/Government Departments

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. A letter from the Permanent Secretary (PS) of the line ministries requesting to have :
    1. Authority of the institution to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents Bank details
    3. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
    4. Purpose of the till
  3. A copy of the letter from National Treasury
  4. A letter from the District Accountant forwarding the above documents
  5. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  6. Latest audited/unaudited financial statements
  7. Copies of identification documents of all directors

Devolved Government E.G Counties

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. Letter from the County Committee Executive signed by accounting officer stating:
    1. Authority of the branch to open a Bulk payment account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Purpose of the till
  3. Copy of Identification Documents of signatory officials i.e. Copy of National Id/National ID number as captured on Military ID/Passport/Alien Id
  4. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

Financial Institutions (Micro- Finance Institutions, Investment Companies, Banks

  1. Duly filled and signed application form &Terms and conditions
  2. A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation
  3. Copy of CR12 –Validity period of 90 days /OR Annual returns with receipt
  4. Original Stamped /or company seal board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating :
    1. Authority of the branch to open a pay bill account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
    2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
    3. Bank details
    4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
    5. Purpose of the till
  5. Kenya Revenue Authority PIN Certificate(company and directors)
  6. Copy of identification documents used by the Directors and bank signatories. i.e the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals
  7. A certified copy of the Financial Institution’s Annual license from the authorizing
  8. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details
  9. Completion of SAFARICOM AML/KYC
  10. Audited financial statements

IMT( International Money Transfers)

  1. Duly filled and signed application form & Signed T&Cs for money remittance companies
  2. Copy of CR12 –Validity period of 90 days /OR Annual returns with receipt Company KRA Pin
  3. CBK remittance license
  4. Copy of identification documents used by the Directors and bank signatories. i.e the National ID/ National ID number as captured on Military ID (Passport/Alien Certificate for Foreign Nationals
  5. Original Stamped /or company seal board resolution on company letter head signed by at least two directors within 30 days stating :
  1. Authority of the branch to open a pay bill account or Transact business on behalf of the institution
  2. Appointed persons having signatory authority and provide copies of their identification documents
  3. Bank details
  4. Nominated Safaricom Number to initiate fund withdrawal on behalf of the institution (not mandatory)
  5. Purpose of the till
  1. IMT contract signed by at least 2 directors
  2. Audited financial statements
  3. Policy on sanctions screening
  4. End to end remittance process flow/mechanism
  5. Filled in AML questionnaire
  6. Certified copy of certificate of incorporation
  7. Cancelled cheque or letter from Bank confirming Bank details

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