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ODM MP Involved In A Road Accident

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An Orange Democratic Movement party legislator was on Sunday evening involved in a grisly road accident on his way from Nyanza to Nairobi.
Car Belonging to the MP

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Rongo MP Paul Abuor survived narrowly despite his vehicle rolling Rongo-Kisii-Nairobi highway. He managed to get out well with other people on board.

According to the Orange Democratic Movement party, the driver lost control and rolled severally on the road. He had spent a weekend at home.
Rongo Mp

“Rongo MP Hon Paul Abuor was last evening involved in a road accident after his vehicle lost control and rolled several times.

“The MP was returning to Nairobi after spending the weekend in his constituency. We thank the Lord for sparing the life of the MP and his aides,” the party said in a tweet.

Details are still scanty on the evening accident. It’s not clear whether or not the MP was rushed to any hospital for medical attention with his aides.

Early this year, Migori Woman Representative Pamela Odhiambo also survived a grisly road accident along Rongo-Homa Bay road. She was rushed to Aga Khan Hospital.

Mr Abuor hit headlines in 2017 when he managed to beat veteran politician Dalmas Otieno for the ODM ticket in Rongo constituency race.

By joe

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